May 2Liked by Child + Line by Sasha Kahn

Really enjoyed this post Sasha and not something I'd thought about before. It makes me think of what my kids watch and how most of it is animation and comedy - like you say there's so many different skills they could learn from a film with a more complex and emotional story.

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Thanks so much, Jenna! Yes, the film industry could be doing a lot more for children.

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May 2Liked by Child + Line by Sasha Kahn

Great article. Important stuff.

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thanks! :)

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May 1Liked by Child + Line by Sasha Kahn

...this is a great observation...as someone who worked in children's entertainment for far too long i can share plenty a story of how assembly line, marketing driven, sanitized and dispassionate most children's entertainment is...feels like at some point we started talking down to the kids giving them what they should have, instead of what they want...a good kids movie has teeth and will scare you a bit, shock you into learning about growing up (Watership Dawn and Stand By Me I am talking to you)...a good kids movie reads to adults just as much as kids...i think we got afraid of showing kids as kids, little jerks sometimes (thinking Goonies, The Sandlot, etc.)...tides turn though so hopefully more folks consider their brilliant ideas to be for audiences all ages...

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YES - those are all great examples. I really appreciate your thoughts. That's totally it - it's more industry and marketing, there's very little wonder, there's nothing to challenge in themselves. I guess just keep fighting the good fight?

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May 1Liked by Child + Line by Sasha Kahn

...sometimes we have to make the art/work we don't see in the world...so yeah let's fight!!...

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I’m in

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I just read your article on children’s books, as I just wrote a little cliche bit about a dragon’s features. The article made me think about a movie from the 80’s I remember loving, but need to watch again to see if my memory is in line with the actual premise. I remember “the secret garden” as a children’s love story. It stands out to me because it was not overtly stated like many of the princess + prince approaches. If anyone has a better recollection, can you tell me if my memory serves me?

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The Secret Garden is a classic and one of my favorites. Are you thinking of The Neverending Story? I love dragon tales :)

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No, I do love the never ending story and your right, Atreu does rescue the princess however I was thinking of the girl going into the garden forbidden by her uncle, and tended to by a young boy. There are many themes going on here, innocence, forbidden love, secrets, flowers always representing the feminine or a reference to beauty, spring, newness, etc…

I just remember it being quite different from most movies I watched as a young boy. It may have been because it was told from a young girl’s perspective and other than Alice and wonderland, I was not accustomed to viewing the world from that lens. Maybe I fell in love with the girl. It’s been a while, I need to rewatch.

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